Discharge to assess.

Simply, safely, securely.

Co-designed with local authorities and their health and care partners as part of the Local Government Association’s Social Care Digital Innovation Accelerator 2020/2021.

Discharge to assess.

Simply, safely, securely.

Capture, track, report

Capture, update, track and report on a person’s journey through the D2A process.

The full journey

From the point at which a patient is identified on the ward as requiring support on discharge, through to the point that the patient receives an assessment of their longer term needs within the community setting.

Single version of the truth

Crucial not only to offer patient safety, but also bring efficiencies, transparency and an effective digital approach to D2A.


Single version of real-time information on all live discharge to assess patients with different permissions and data-views dependent on user requirements and their authenticated access settings

With clarity in terms of who is in the Discharge Lounge and upcoming Expected Discharge Dates, it is estimated that at least one hospital bed night per every two D2As can be saved at a saving of £400 per night

As the business case outlines, administrative savings of anywhere between 30-50% have been recognised by implementing Pathways to Care, plus acute savings on bed nights, mobile working, reporting and audit savings

Integration with health and care partners across the D2A system will be critical to wider uptake outside of local government. Pathways to Care has been built with integration in mind and is actively developing open/supported API’s to enable appropriate integration with both acute and social care systems

Clear, comprehensive knowledge on all Pathway 1,2,3 and End of Life (EoL) patients, ensuring the highest standard of safeguarding can be applied to their transition from hospital to home or care setting

With each step of the D2A process logged within the system, Pathways to Care gives absolute clarity as to what happened to each patient, when and what action or update was taken for reporting and audit purposes. At any one time clear dashboards also give an overview of patient numbers at each stage of the D2A process, as well as any red flags for actioning

Pathways to Care offers a clear IG outline to ensure the safe sharing of personal data between the D2A organisations, as well as a standard Information Sharing Agreement to put in place with the technical provider

By being able to track patients at every step of the D2A process, supported by system alerts and real-time dashboards, each D2A pathway can be progressed in a timely fashion with clarity and confidence

The case management and tracking functions of the Pathways to Care system ensures each D2A partner knows where patients are, the next steps required and who is responsible for the D2A at any one point in time

The safe and timely discharge of patients is at the heart of both the D2A process and the P2C system. There is extensive research citing both physical and mental health benefits of patients being properly informed as to their health progress and moved out of an acute settings as quickly as possible either to home or community care

With one tracking system, breakdowns in communication around transport providers, family members and/or domiciliary care provision are removed – it is clear who is in the Discharge Lounge and what needs to be done next 

Pathways to Care is a cloud-based case management and tracking system that has undergone extensive penetration testing organised by the Yorkshire & Humber WARP. It also benefits from being hosted in the Catalyst2 cloud and all the cyber security that provides

With professionals using one system to track and manage D2As rather than spending their time on the phone or managing spreadsheets and emails, time is freed up to undertake more valuable, strategic work. From a hospital perspective ensuring timely discharge will lead to hospital beds being freed up 

Pathways to Care has been designed ‘mobile-first’ and is available for D2A practitioners to use on mobile devices, tablets and desktops with equal ease, it has been extensively user tested by a range of professionals across the five co-designing partners

Pathways to Care gives a view of all expected discharge dates over the next 7 days, as such professionals are able to better plan and deploy resources – such as domiciliary care and transport – as required

Communication with patients and families is currently often complicated, unclear and disjointed, with a clear understanding of where the patient is in the D2A process, clarity can be brought to these conversations and complaints reduced

Pathways to Care enables organisations to set up email and/or SMS notifications which are triggered in either of the following use cases:
·      When someone is about to leave hospital
·      When someone has arrived at their destination

Pathways to Care sends out both emails and SMS to the duty email/phone number for the teams who are associated with that discharge, ensuring that resources are appropriately allocated and that the patient’s home is ready for their arrival with care planning in place.

Due to the sensitive nature of the D2A service and personal data within the P2C platform, users accessing the system are required to use Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). The requirement applies both to the user account and to their device. The system has been designed to ensure MFA works even in contexts where there is no mobile phone signal.

Ready to lead with care?

Please get in touch to request a demonstration or to speak to an expert.