End of Year Recap

As we approach the Festive Season, the Tech in Care team takes a moment to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year. Here’s a brief recap of our journey:
🌲Earlier this year, we successfully concluded a significant rebranding initiative for our platform, transitioning it from “Hospital to Home” to “Pathways to Care – D2A.” Additionally, we expanded the D2A module, seamlessly incorporating it into “Pathways to Care – Intermediate Care.” Both platforms play a pivotal role in maintaining a ‘single version of the truth,’ addressing communication gaps among stakeholders, and facilitating efficient data sharing, reporting, and accountability. This ensures a unified perspective on intermediate care journeys, enhancing care quality and reducing administrative burden. 

 🌲Our User Group meetings, established to foster close collaboration with our current users in shaping the product roadmap and developing new features, continue to thrive. Collaboration is a fundamental pillar of our company, and we deeply value the feedback we receive. 

🌲We proudly became a wholly owned subsidiary of the award-winning software company Maldaba. Exciting developments lie ahead so, stay connected and follow our news and updates. 

🌲Recently, Pathways to Care completed all parts of the Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) framework. While having DTAC is not a current requirement to engage with our health partners, we recognise the value it holds within the health and social care. This will allow us to engage proactively with the NHS market and reassure them that we are cyber safe beyond our other compliance standards. In addition to DTAC, we hold Cyber Essentials + certification and have external penetration testing completed annually.   

🌲In addition to these accomplishments, we actively participated in numerous expos, establishing new contacts and significantly enhancing our profile as a credible player in the digital health tech arena. Collaborating with event partners such as Convenzis and Closer Still Media, and sharing a stand at NHS Confederation with our friends at Healthcare Innovation Consortium, has enabled us to network, share challenges and best practices, and reconnect with both new contacts and old friends. 

 🌲Closing on a high note, we recently hosted a sector-driven webinar on the topic of ‘Winter Pressures: How Can Technology Support Keeping People Well at Home.’ The session attracted a significant number of attendees from both local authorities and health trusts. The discussion among our panel of experts was thought-provoking, emphasising the essential role of technology in adult health and care. Look out for more upcoming sessions, and feel free to reach out if you’d like a link to the recording or have suggestions for new topics. 

Finally, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your support throughout the year and wish you a joyous Christmas. Here’s to continued partnerships in the New Year.