Product Manager’s Corner – Integration, CPDs & Data

I know how difficult, but important it is to stay relevant in our nursing field and respective specialties. Now that I work for a technology company (while holding my nursing license), it made sense for me to attend Healthcare Excellence Through Technolgy Conference.  This conference presented a fantastic opportunity to collect continuing professional development, and to hear from leaders across health and social care openly discuss some of the system’s most complex topics.  

 The discussion that I found most interesting was ‘Community Transfer and Effective Data Collaboration with Social Care’ The appeal for me was obvious: Health + Social Care + Technology + Integration = my favourite topics! Their discussion focussed on building impactful shared care records to improve efficiency, patient safety and communication. One of the panel members said that the creation of their locality’s shared care record saved a front-line worker 1hr 20minutes by creating an option for two clicks to find a person’s care agency. That 20% of a person’s workday. They also said that both health and social care have an appetite for each other’s data.  

The panel estimated that in some organisations people spend 2hrs/day for social care, 100minutes/day for discharge teams and 1hr/day for therapy teams searching for discharge related information. We would love to hear from you on how much time do you spend looking for data and do you feel that implementation of Pathways to Care has reduced your burden? Get in touch: